There is one Eternal God, our Creator, who reveals Himself to us in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit

Jesus is both Son of God and Son of Man, fully divine and fully human, our kinsman redeemer. He lived a perfect life, died on a cross for our sins, rose from death, and ascended to Heaven. One day He shall return to rule the earth as King.

God as Holy Spirit dwells in all believers, making the living Lord's presence and power real in our daily life as we abide in His will.

 Christ Himself obeyed the ordinance of immersion baptism, and so must we. It represents death to worldly ways and resurrection unto His.




 God offers salvation as an unmerited gift of divine grace. Anyone who trusts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior receives atonement by His precious blood and eternal life, entering personal fellowship with God

The Bible is God's inspired Word. In it we have full confidence. It instructs our beliefs and informs our conduct in the world.

The Church

Human Beings 

Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa

Jesus Christ 

We are all created in God's image and inherently valuable. Yet absent salvation, we are spiritual rebels, failing God's standards and wandering from His perfect way of life.

Statement of Faith

The Bible

We stand strongly on cardinal, Biblical truths and evangelical theology

The Church comprises baptized, worshiping believers who trust Jesus Christ.