Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
UGANDA. Ps. Henry, (top lf)& Mama Jo’s family
I'd love to see you now that I’m home. Could we grab a cup o ‘bush tea’ (OK – coffee if you prefer) to catch up? I want to thank you in person for your care and concern. I couldn’t be more proud of YOU. It'd be fun to share how YOUR effort is bringing hope for a brighter future to the ‘Least, the Last and the Lost’ – and yes, revealing more of His AWESOME POWER.
Together, we press towards fulfillment of the ‘The Great Commission’. At my age I count it a great privilege to still be used of the Lord. He’s the ONE who is in control; the ONE who has the answers; the ONE who taught you and me how to reach out with the Love of Jesus.
Dear Lord,
“We bring before You Your Persecuted Church in Africa who is weary and discouraged by endless suffering. Strengthen them. Refresh them daily from Your Word. Lift them high that they may see Your glory and be encouraged even in the midst of war.
“Grant Leaders hope and discernment as they boldly lead Your people in faithful service. Equip them for difficult tasks ahead in the midst of hardship and trauma we can’t begin to comprehend.
“Challenge and equip us to be faithful in prayer; to advocate on their behalf. Thank You for being a Father to orphans, street kids and refugees; a Husband to widows and abused women; a Healer and Comforter of body, soul and spirit to the disabled, the elderly and AIDS/HIV victims. May Your hand of peace and protection be upon us all.”
[adapted from Open Doors]
An advocate of His Power,
That’s the theme of this year’s International Convention on Missions [fka National Missionary Convention]. It’s next week in Indianapolis, IN. I’ll be heading there in a few days and promise to give you a report next time. Pray that Mark, our ‘Web Master’, will be able to join me. Earlier he expressed his desire to attend but we still await a confirmation.
Yesterday I took a pumpkin pie to Thunderbird Care Center for my dear friend Bonnie. I found her sitting in a wheelchair in front of the nurses’ station, waiting for lunch. I threw my car keys on a shelf behind me as I gave her a big hug. Bonnie and hubby John, faithful prayer partners, invested hundreds of volunteer hours in preparing our Containers to South Sudan.
Sadly she suffered a stroke recently. After my visit (she doesn’t speak yet) I placed the pie in her room and went to retrieve my car keys. But where were they? That’s when I discovered that the shelf I’d thrown them on was actually a paper shredder. They’d gone down the shoot! Was my face red when I explained to the nurse who exclaimed, “You did WHAT?!” She kindly retrieved my keys.
USA. Bonnie & John, volunteers
UGANDA. Praise Report from Pastor Henry, Busia
Dear Bush Telegraph,
“Thank you for the good service in the kingdom…. [We are] grateful for … sending the missionary to our church. We had Mama Charlotte and she has now left…. We … send … warm regards from the children, the church and Mama Josephine. We are praying for Mama Charlotte on her mission trip…. God bless.”
With love and thanks from Pastor Henry [Busia, Uganda]
KENYA. Judith’s new machine!
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“… Thank you for visiting us in Busia…. We thank God for … the new sewing machine. Juliet has started sewing under the tree … [where] we stay. Our Women’s Leader sends you greetings together with whole congregation…. The church is fine but … we … lack a place of worship and … instruments. We need [your] prayers. We went home to bury my wife’s uncle and came back safe. Thanks also for [the] money … for [my son] John’s treatment in [hospital]. [He] is doing well….”
Blessings, Pastor Patrick [Busia, Kenya]
[Note: this church meets in a primitive rented structure so pray that soon they’ll be able to buy a plot of land to build their own church.]
CONGO. Ps. Delphin & family
Delch Nita (white dress)
CONGO. Praise report from Pastor Delphin,
(whose eldest daughter was kidnapped last time)
Dear Bush Mission,
“We thank the Lord for His great mercy as we are in contact now with our eldest daughter, Delch Nita. She is in Uvira, South Kivu, and plans to return home tomorrow…. It is a long story. I will give you all the details [after] she [is] at home. Pass our gratitude to our prayer partners….”
In Him, Pastor Delphin, Eden Ministry.
God bless you, dear Charlotte!
“My prayers for your health and safety have been answered, and I hope and pray that the dear folks you've been helping in Africa will continue to give their worship and allegiance to our one and only Savior!”
Love in Christ, Esther
[Note: it’s so hard to pick-n-choose just ONE ‘E’ from among the hundreds in our mailbox, but we believe that Esther’s is a good example of the encouraging words from Prayer Partners write.]
SOUTH SUDAN. Dr. Hopper’s Medical Team, Lohotuk
Pray for Baby Lokilon!
Over a week ago I was deep in the bush with Dr. Hopper’s Medical Team consisting of: Liza Hopper, Ruth, Sharon, Dr. Chuck, Nurse Michael (Sudanese), David (German designated driver) and Steve (English math teacher). Local translators completed our Team; while Steve and Iris hosted us at their mission. We reached remote villages with great medical needs beyond description. Dirt roads were bad: we averaged 5-10 mph; plus flats and getting stuck a bunch of times. We traveled in convoy so luckily the 4-wheel drive German ‘Unimog’ pulled us out.
Thanks to Dr. Hopper’s meds, we treated 60-80 patients per village. I helped in pharmacy and shared the Gospel using colorful visuals and the ‘story board’. The case that broke our hearts was Baby Lokilon, 1½ years old, with severe epileptic seizures caused by cerebral malaria. His chances of survival were slim but we did all we could before moving on.
SUDAN. Dr. Hopper & Baby Lokilon
Liza Hopper & I deworm a whole village!
Power of YOUR Vote
By the time you receive this, it will all be over but the shouting. America is at a crossroads: profound moral issues are at stake. Bush Telegraph is confident that YOU voted for candidates who support biblical values of marriage; the sanctity of life; and in defense of our religious freedoms. If we lose our country, how can we missionaries be effective to convince the rest of the world to embrace religious freedom?
The Power of ‘Sandy’
If you want to know what it feels like to live in a 3rd world country, move to the east coast! The ONE WORD that sticks out in recent headlines is ‘Powerless’. Millions of Americans are sadly without power; thousands displaced; and the full impact of hurricane Sandy is not yet known. As Americans we are accustomed to ‘controlling’ every aspect of our lives. It drives us crazy to feel out of control. But when you think about it, God decides if – and when – we will take our next breath. We'd like to think we're in control, but events like Sandy remind us of WHO is really running things. It’s God. The bottom line? We’re powerless.
‘Sandy’, the storm, was a wake-up call. We're talking about weather, but there are many types of storms: physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual plus others. God uses them to ‘blow us back home’ - into His powerful arms. PRAY for our suffering east coast Americans; that through this they will turn to Christ who holds the real POWER to meet all their needs.
October 2012
Dear Friends of the Persecuted Church,
JUST BELIEVE … in His Power. I’m home! I can’t believe how fast the past four months in Africa flew by! I confess it’s good to be back in civilization – but not for the reasons you may think, such as internet, hot showers and yummy burgers. No, it’s the small things I missed – coffee in my favorite mug – the one with my grandchildren’s picture on it. Things like that. Oh, and I’m back in time to vote. I promise to share more exciting details and Field Reports later.
Thank YOU for empowering Bush Telegraph to be fruitful in South Sudan and surrounding countries; and for allowing us to seize opportunities to serve the spiritual welfare of the persecuted Church. Each day we begin our prayer time for YOU with praise for God’s faithfulness.
But right now, allow me first to focus on two colossal prayer requests that have nothing to do with Bush Telegraph directly – yet they have everything to do with us indirectly - and missions around the world today.
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