Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
© 2013 All Rights Reserved
USA. Special prayer for the Gary Family
Not only have Barbara and I been friends for 40 years, we are both members of Rachel Circle, one of Bush Telegraph’s Prayer Partner. I watched Barbara’s daughter Carol grow up, marry and become a loving mom to three adorable little boys. Last week Barbara’s grandson, Evan, age 14, lost the battle to leukemia. Evan had a servant’s heart and wanted everyone to know the love of Jesus. Please hold the Gary family up in prayer as they ‘celebrate’ Evan’s short but victorious life.
Dear Lord
… we lift up suffering Christians in Africa. Many are weary, seeing unrelenting persecution in their midst. Give them eyes to see Your presence. Send Your Spirit to encourage and strengthen them through Your Word. Cast out their fears with Your overwhelming love.
We pray for brothers in the face of spiritual attacks on their churches. With heavy hearts we lift up Christians in Muslim nations and their need for sustenance, protection, and wisdom. Watch over them as they seek safe ways to gather to share the good news, especially with their own family. In the name of Jesus, Amen. [adapted from Open Doors]
Sharing Jesus,
We have no ministry in Somalia, however, we encounter Somali citizens in areas where we do work. Therefore please consider this urgent prayer alert:
“300 Al-Shabaab members were captured in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu. The attacks on civilians had gotten more extreme and more public. The latest attack came last Friday when Islamic extremists brutally murdered a Christian … in broad daylight. A 25-year-old man named Farhan became a Christian in 2010, from a Muslim background.
“Extremists tracked him for six months to confirm his Christian activity before capturing him and dragging him to an impromptu trial. Farhan was accused of apostasy and then beheaded before a crowd. The execution was a warning to Gospel workers. The goal of Al Shabaab is to create fear, to control and to show what happens to somebody who leaves Islam to follow another faith.”
Our Thanksgiving prayer of our workers, home and abroad, is a wee bit different. We are thankful for YOU. Because of YOU we are caring for believers in conflict, suffering and persecution. Because of YOU our brothers have hope. We thank God for being able to continue to build and preserve His Church in Africa – because of YOU.
SUDAN. Landmines in flooded roads - a constant danger
SOUTH SUDAN. Letter from Pastor Sunlight:
Hi Mama and Bush Mission,
“We need prayer for my wife Susan [who is expecting our third child any day]. She has been disturbed by sickness again and again. Pray for a safe deliver.”
Pastor Sunlight, Angaim Village
Dear All,
“Situation: On 06 November 2012, a woman in Joglei State sustained severe injuries by a UXO (Unexploded Ordinance). On 08 November four unexploded mortar bombs were discovered near Gumuruk town in Jonglei State [where our mission serves] and marked for future disposal.
“Between Nov 4-8, SPLA forces in multiple locations of Jonglei State were attacked by [Muslim] RMGs (Rebel Militia Groups). These attacks included RPGs (Rocket Propelled Grenades) and the SPLA (Sudan People’s Liberation Army) response also consisted of heavy RPG and mortar fire.
Stay safe! Chris Willach, NGO Secretary, South Sudan
SUDAN. SPLA soldiers on the move
UGANDA. President Museveni repents for sins
of the nation
The Ugandan news site, New Vision, reports that President Yoweri Museveni celebrated Uganda’s 50th anniversary of independence from Britain at the National Jubilee Prayers event by publicly repenting of his personal sin and the sins of the nation.
“I stand here today to close the evil past, and especially in the last 50 years of our national leadership history and at the threshold of a new dispensation in the life of this nation. I stand here on my own behalf and on behalf of my predecessors to repent. We ask for Your forgiveness.”
“We confess these sins, which have greatly hampered our national cohesion and delayed our political, social and economic transformation. We confess sins of idolatry and witchcraft which are rampant in our land. We confess sins of shedding innocent blood, sins of political hypocrisy, dishonesty, intrigue and betrayal.”
“Forgive us of sins of pride, tribalism and sectarianism; sins of laziness, indifference and irresponsibility; sins of corruption and bribery that have eroded our national resources; sins of sexual immorality, drunkenness and debauchery; sins of unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred and revenge; sins of injustice, oppression and exploitation; sins of rebellion, insubordination, strife and conflict,” Museveni prayed.
Next, the president dedicated Uganda to God.
“We want to dedicate this nation to You so that You will be our God and Guide. We want Uganda to be known as a nation that fears God and as a nation whose foundations are firmly rooted in righteousness and justice to fulfill what the Bible says in Psalm 33:12: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. A people you have chosen as your own,” Museveni prayed.
Massachusetts pastor Rev. Scott Lively stated: “The Museveni prayer is a model for all Christian leaders in the world. Western leaders have declined in proportion to their degree of rejection of God.”
Hopes for a ceasefire in Congo died instantly when the M23 militia refused to withdraw from Goma where much of our ministry is centered. Over 700,000 people are considered refugees along the Rwandan-Congolese border. Pray for these refugees who face serious needs in the camps: food, tarps, practical assistance and Swahili Bibles.
[Mission News]
Dear Mama and Bush Mission,
“Thanks for all our gifts, clothes to children, books, food, school fees, encouraging stories and beds. Pastor Henry has picked all beds to the house. Thanks for the mattresses, blankets and bed sheets, wooden storage boxes for clothes, shoes for children, uniforms for Lillian & Wilkister, Bibles to Pastor Henry, house furniture and dishes. Our house looks so nice. May our good Lord bless you abundantly. Pass our regards to our mission partners.
Love, Mama Josephine, Busia.
UGANDA. New school shoes for Jack & Rich!
Dear Bush Mission,
“Glory be to God for His protection to my family and all members of EDEN church. New families have joined our church. One is a servant of God named Pastor Charles. He is very helpful in the church and joined us with all his family. He is a good worker in the Lord.
“In the villages where you were last time, things are very bad now. For more than 3 months rebels took Bunagana’s boader, Kiwanja and Katale. This morning they attacked Kibumba. People are in refugee camps again; women are being raped; and students are disrupted.
“Last Sunday and Monday we passed a horrible moment as many people died in Goma streets, others in their houses. Now people have begun to go outside their home. We can go into town but with caution. We are cut off from other provinces and Kinshasa.”
We need your prayers, Pastor Delphin.
· Praise God for 84 believers who made a commitment to be fulltime mission workers! Pray for laborers for the harvest. Attending ICOM this year was a highlight for me. Thanks for giving me this opportunity! Now, let's go and be the radical disciples Jesus has called us to be and take the world by storm!
· How special to reconnect with missionaries and other friends: Linda with Kulpahar Kids Home of India; Mary who, at age 82, is still flying around the world with Mephibosheth Ministries for the disabled. She, herself, is in a wheelchair, a CP survivor; or Jack and Janine of Chile, a great source of personal encouragement; plus many others. I squeezed in a few informative workshops; and had a quick tour of a few large exhibits such as a genuine Indian teepee! Our booth had many visitors – perhaps the candy dish had something to do with it. The youth loved grilling me on Africa. I say, bring it on!
ICOM. Big & little visitors to our booth. He insisted on holding the ostrich egg - carefully!
· Stats don't adequately tell the story but at least 11,000 people attended; 2,500+ attended the student conference. These amazing kids packed nearly a container of special food for malnourished (like we send in our containers). They even built walls! The total offering was approx $70,000 – a record – with a tithe going to I.D.E.S. (Int’l Disaster Emergency Service) to aid churches hard hit by hurricane Sandy.
· The first night I stayed with Scot and Shelley (Shoes For Sudan) and their adorable little boys Alex and Max. Indy was soooooo chilly and I forgot to pack gloves, neck scarf and warm shoes. What was I thinking coming from warm, sunny Phoenix? Sweet Shelley to the rescue! She even loaned me the family jeep since they live quite far from the Convention Center.
· My plane touched down in Indianapolis, IN, where a church shuttle met passengers and dropped us off at our respective destinations – in my case, the Convention Center where I set up the Bush Telegraph exhibit. The tall young men next door reached those high places – PTL!
REFLECTIONS ON ICOM 2012 (Int’l Conf. on Missions): Theme, ‘Radical Again’!
· The remaining nights I was thankful for the hospitality of Carol and Jean Marie who had a room a stone’s throw from the Convention Center. How convenient and what fun eating at Steak-n-Shake. It brought back fond memories of growing up in Indiana.
Jean Marie, Carol (roommates), Linda (of India) & I
Dear Friends of the Persecuted Church,
What sort of Thanksgiving prayer would a Christian Refugee or widow or orphan say? That is, if they celebrated it? It might go something like this:
“There’s a tarp up above me, I’ve a mat to sleep.
There’s ugali on my plate, and tire sandals on my feet.
You gave me your Love, Lord, and a Christian family.
I thank You Lord, for sending Missionaries.”
November 2012