Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
Delena pays a surprise visit
Ministering the love of God to suffering
Pastor Patrick writes that Neville is better.
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“Thank you for your prayers. We are getting better. Neville is now ok from the bee stings. I was treated with 16 injections and am now finished…. I spent 3,500 shillings ($35) on Neville while my hospital bill was 5,700 ($57). The children are now having school holidays. They will need 2,000 shillings each ($20) or 12,000 shillings total ($119) for tuition when they return the 2nd term. Attached is our Annual Church Report for 2015. I will send you copies of Lucy’s and my Marriage Certificate and also Receipts for April hospital fees.”
Blessings, Pastor Patrick
[Note: we sent money to cover medical and school fees]
Dr. Tweety, Charlotte & youth at Kakuma Refugee Camp during her last visit
Update on the situation from Rev. Stephen.
My Dear Friends,
“Today I am going to Leer to take the body of elder Daniel Kuong who passed away…. That is his home village…. Please add our suffering people to your prayer list - no food and no safe water to drink.”
God bless you,
Rev. Stephen, Moderator WUNBS
[Note: we sent a large donation to buy food for refugees and also money for school fees for Pastor Stephen’s children who live in Uganda.]
* Congrats Pastora & Pastor Huck on their beautiful outdoor wedding. We’re so happy for them.
Marty Ryan - we'll miss you so
The children perform 'Praise and Worship' at church
Katie (rt) in the musical "Suessical"
Christians serving the Lord, Leer, South Sudan
Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya - the new church property
* Surprise Visitors! Delena, my sweet daughter-in-law, and her friend Shannon, popped in for a short visit while in town to see Katie’s play at Grand Canyon University. It was called “Suessical – The Musical”. Katie was in the Ensemble. So sorry Grandma, recovering from knee surgery, didn’t make it.
Neville in his school uniform
* Marty Ryan, our 100+ year old prayer partner, went home to Jesus. Together Mom Harriet and I attended the beautiful Memorial Service at The Dream Center. I miss her so.
* Knee Update. My knee bend therapy reached 100 degrees – Zach said he’s very proud of me. Dr. will release me in June after completing PT. Praise: I can now sit at the computer for more than a few minutes.
Pastor Celestin and his Team have been busy!
Dear Mama & Bush Partners,
“We ministered to victims of the holocaust … at a large Catholic Diocese in Nyaruguru at a place called Kibeho. There the Bishop helped kill thousands of refugees and church members who ran to him for protection. This is a great lesson to church leaders today on how to lead the flock…. About 50,000 bodies are at this site. Here our Team managed the Red Cross Team who bring traumatized people to us for counseling.
“We were also in Mugina in South Province…. It had 40,000 bodies. In coming weeks we are invited to assist with Christian counseling in Kinazi South Province, Ruhango and Nyamata…. It's my request that you support us for … this ministry. We reduced our Counselors to 9 so that money goes farther and we reach more places…. We also contribute ourselves in addition to your funds….
“We also minister the love of God to suffering to bring hope…. During suffering many thought God had forgotten them. This is the message people need – that ‘God so loved the world…’. Holocaust Commemoration is April through July. We will visit many districts…. Once more thank you for your help for trauma counseling….”
Pastor Celestin, Director Guardian Angels Mission
[Note: we sent money for the Commemoration Outreach] .
Abused women that Charlotte interviewed in Kiwanja, Congo
Pastor Delphin has an exciting update on how the container supply distribution is progressing.
Dear BTM,
“People in Katoyi & Lushebere Villages are asking when Mama Charlotte will return. Other places in remote areas where Mama didn’t reach last time are waiting also…. CAAP compound is still storing 317 Boxes of food which are awaiting distribution. The problem is rain, washed-out roads and other logistics.
“Today I received a messenger from Lushebere Village, a remote area. They want to know when they will receive their food and supplies. CAAP responded that they have a few matters to take care of - lack of fuel and mechanical problems on the car we will use…. I will send photos of all the distributions. Medical supplies are in the container at CAAP; and crutches are stored at EDEN church. Seven members of EDEN Church were baptized on Pentecost Day. Thank you for your daily prayers.
In Christian Love, Pastor Delphin
[Note: we sent a large donation to CAAP to cover fuel & other expenses.]
Charlie says, 'What's all the excitement about knee bends? Mine work just fine!"
A wonderful letter from Pastor Barnard. Our help was God’s perfect timing!
Dear Bush Friends & Mama,
“Praise the Lord, I have been in the village for a long period but today when I checked my mail it was a miracle. I was two months behind in rent and was wondering how to pay. God bless BTM and the entire family. I will sent rent Receipts tomorrow.”
In Christ, Pastor Bernard, Kakamega
Bush Telegraph Missions
©copyright 2016
Today Esther, center front, is President of the Widow's Group
Abused children in Kiwanja share their stories
Packing the food
People who have no food are eating seeds
Dear Lord,
“At times much of what we Mothers do goes unnoticed and unappreciated. We get discouraged. Speak to our hearts in your still, small voice. You called us to be wives and mothers. Much of what we do is hidden from the public eye but You see. Most of what we give is done without thanks. But You are our reward.” Amen
Pastor Sunlight shares a wonderful opportunity!
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,
“This evening I received a report from church leaders we trained in South Sudan. Due to war, they fled to Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya, where they recently planted a church. A plot of land was given to them for 10,000 shillings ($100). They paid 4,000 ($40) and are left owing 6,000 ($60) to start building. We join hands in prayer for them. May God bless you for helping them in this mission opportunity.”
Pastor Sunlight [Bible student, Uganda]
[Note: we sent money to buy land and building materials for the new church]
Prayer ~N~ Praise
Zawadi and Charlotte, center
Praising the Lord for Moms Everywhere!
Pastor Bernard, far right, and children form a circle to say 'good-bye' to Mama Charlotte
Letter from Lynda of Heaven Sent Ministries, WV, our food partner. Last month we sent you Pastor Delphin’s Report on Katoyi Refugee Camp, CONGO. HSM raised $85,000 to purchase the food ingredients which made up the 1st of two 40 ft. containers. This letter helps us see the project through HSM’s eyes.
Dear Friends,
“Sometimes it takes such a long time. We raise the funds and gather the volunteers; we package the food and put it in a container. And then we wait while it travels long distances over oceans and terrible roads. And we trust in God’s timing even when the wait seems so very long. And then the email finally comes, saying, ‘The container arrived! We were able to distribute the food!’
“Those are my very favorite days – when I can see that the people who so desperately need the food actually have it in their hands. Just recently, our shipment to the Congo arrived at its destination. Charlotte, our missionary partner in the Congo, writes:
“Pastor Delphin and a few women from his church walked 90 km round trip to deliver supplies and food to Katoyi, a refugee camp deep in the mountains, off the beaten path, where no NGOs go. I have visited this camp. So when I saw these photos, I cried knowing firsthand how those people suffer. They have nothing.”
“Zawadi, our CAAP partner, wrote: ‘Pygmies live in enormous poverty; they are discriminated against by society because of their height, culture and being a minority group. They are illiterate and under privileged. The majority are widows, raped women, single parents looking after children on their own and the disabled.’
“The people were so grateful to receive meals. We told them food came from their brothers and sisters in America. They said, ‘We can’t believe that we are important and can be remembered from another part of the world.’ This is a wounded and abused community, needing support, help and the love of Jesus.”
Lynda, Heaven Sent Ministries, West Virginia
Happy Mother's Day
[Due to rebel activity, Charlotte has not be able to return to Kiwanja in 6 years]
YOU are our reward...
Mama Josephine is back home from her medical checkup at the Kampala Hospital.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“Thank you for the support and prayers. I went to Kampala for a week for my medical checkup and just got back…. The Doctors carried out tests and exams. Also Wilkester left for medical school in Naivasha, Kenya, for her practical IT. She called home to say she reached safely.
“Kenya students will begin term II on 2nd May, 2016. They send you warm regards. Ugandan students have not closed the 1st term. It was delayed due to elections in Uganda…. They are writing their exams. Also attached is a breakdown of how money was used for the Kampala medical trip … plus copies of receipts…. They prescribed strong medicine for me. I will report back on July 19 for another checkup. I am so grateful and pray for you all. May the Lord bless you according to His heavenly rewards….”
Yours in Christ, Mama Josephine & family
[Note: we sent money for school fees for 5 returning Kenyan students]
“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance:
for ye serve the Lord Christ.”
Colossians 3:23-24
Pastor David, back row far lf, and boys wearing new baseball caps from the mission
Meet Mr. and Mrs. Kusner
Lynda and Charlotte at HSM headquarters, West Virginia
Grateful people
Pastor Celestin teaches the Red Cross volunteers about Trauma Counseling
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY – OR IS IT? Some years ago I worked as a waitress at Tom Tate’s Garden Buffett. Mother’s Day was the busiest day of the year. We waitresses welcomed families arriving after church to treat and spoil Moms and Grannies – ‘spiritual’ moms, too! As I approached tables to take orders I loved seeing the smiles and hearing the laughter which said, “We love and appreciate you, Mom.” Yes, it was a happy day.
Proverbs 31:10-30, perhaps the most popular
‘Mom’s Day’ passage, begins: “A wife of noble
character who can find? She is worth far more than
rubies….” I must admit the part I have a problem
with is vs. 15, “ … getting up while it is still night.”
Not that I didn’t do that when my children were
small, but today? “Lord, forgive me, they’re big now
and I’ve grown lazy.” The last verse sums it up:
“… a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”
IS IT A ‘HAPPY’ DAY in Africa? Did you know that Congo is the most dangerous place in the world to be a mother? It is called the ‘Rape Capital of the world’. There, as in most of rural Africa, women are considered lower than a cow – a piece of ‘property’ – who was bought for a price, which they call, ‘dowry’.
When I was in Kiwanja, Congo, I met and prayed with 160 widows and 73 orphans. Traveling to and from this town was dangerous due to rebel activity. Here are a few heartbreaking stories:
1. Josephine, 75 years. Her husband died in 1984. She lost 6 sons in
the war and was raped multiple times. She suffers from serious internal
injuries to this day.
2. Dorcas, 35, was raped by 7 rebels who broke into her home at
night. They killed her husband. She's had six operations and is still not
100%. Rebels also raped her two daughters aged 10 and 5.
3. Esperance, 64. Her husband died in the war. She was coming
from the garden when she was raped by 2 rebels. She's had 4 surgeries. To
this day she is unable to return to her garden due to trauma.
4. Esther, 55. She also was working in her garden. Rebels killed
her 16 year old son and 6 men raped her. She was 4 months pregnant and
lost the baby. From that time on she's so traumatized. She's President of
the Widow's Group and serves as deacon at her church.
5. Premis age 7; Rebecca age 5; and Abigail age 4 were all raped by their
grandfather on the same day.
Women who survive bear a social stigma. Due to ignorance their families and communities blame and treat them as outcasts. About 86% women are victims of abuse and rape.
All the above, in addition to dealing with war, violence, disease, no health services, displacement, poverty and human trafficking. Our mission works hard to educate women about what the New Testament teaches. We introduce programs to assist financially and train for small businesses, such as Pastor Delphin’s ‘Women At Risk’.
As you see, our work in Congo is cut out for us. But wait – this story will have a happy ending – because of YOU and your prayers. Through YOU we continue ministering to these precious, vulnerable, broken, hurting women in Congo – on Mother’s Day and beyond.
* Katie’s on summer break, home in Virginia, doing on-line studies, looking for a summer job and sleeping in.
The Catholic Diocese in Nyaruguru where 50,000 were killed
killed at Mugina
Mama Josephine's 5 Kenyan orphans are
back to school!
Letter from Pastor David, husband of Monicah, who cares for 12 former street kids.
Dear Mama & Bush Friends,
“The children send greetings…. They need your prayers for their studies…. I, Pastor David, and my wife Monica, appreciate your help for our family and orphans. The community appreciates the change in the children’s lives. When they lived in the street they would steal people's property to get food. Now they live a better life because of the love of God that is in them.
“The children suffered in streets. Nobody cared. Even their relatives rejected them. They had no future. You gave them hope…. We know they will never go back to the streets to those terrible situations. It makes me cry when I talk about it. We … encourage you to continue support for the children…. God gave us a vision when we started His ministry in Kampala.
“Our church is … growing by God’s grace…. The children are doing a great ministry in the church and love God…. I humbly request you to support us with school fees. I am just earning a little salary which cannot support the family and pay fees for all the children. The children are now older and their needs are becoming too big. The school has a new principal who is not patient with parents who are late with fees.”
Thank you and God Bless, Pastor David, Kampala
[Note: we sent support for the family for the month]