Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
© 2013 All Rights Reserved
My stateside furlough draws to a close, but I would love to meet in person over a cup of bush tea or a meal. You always make me feel so inspired and energized. Pray for upcoming departure plans and the summer/fall ministry program.
Isobel Kuhn, missionary to China and Thailand, once said: “I believe that in each generation God has called enough men and women to evangelize all the yet unreached tribes of the earth. It is not God who does not call. It is man who will not respond!”
A believing responder,
SOUTH SUDAN. Letter from Pastor Sunlight.
Dear Mami and Prayer Partners
Thank you...for the Prayers you do [for] us. The field...flooded from too much rain and destroyed the maize [corn] crop. The water stayed for two weeks now and the maize was rotten. Everything [died]. I gave two boxes of food to Pastor Paul Kampala who lost his dear child, John Paul. He was 4 years old. It was this man who asked you to [visit] his church at my father's home....
God bless you,
Pastor John keeps eight orphans, but is often away for his wife’s business in another town. His absence left too much work for Apophiah, so we asked her to find a helper. Clare is the other teacher whom we support. They mind 90+ preschoolers at three levels.
Did you know that children under 14 are 50% of Uganda’s population? Did you know that orphans are 10% of the country? Did you know that Uganda has 3 million fatherless children? Now that’s a prayer need!
Bush Telegraph tasked another crew to join that of Br. Francis and finish the new house for Josephine and her charges.
UGANDA. Letter from Peace Church Preschool teacher, Apophiah.
Dear Mama and Partners,
Thank you for the money received....As for the [caregiver] for the 8 orphans...I found a sister in the Lord named Lillian...who accepted to help...from 7:00-1:00 PM....When I'm at school [teaching] she gets lunch ready for the children, washes the dishes and clothes [by hand]....I do the evening work of cooking supper and teaching them the word of God. Lillian asked us to support her monthly with 60,000 Ugandan shillings ($25). This would be a great help to me and the children. She...was abandoned by her husband 7 months ago after he took a second wife. This is the bad character [trait] of African men....She saw my burden with the children....She...appreciates the money you sent as it helps her [support] her two children.
Your teacher,
UGANDA. Letter from Mama Josephine.
Pass our warm regards to the family and the mission....I [paid] the school fees for Uganda and Kenya students....Attached are copies of receipts....The children are back in school. They all...thank you....I thank God for...Pastor Henry who comforts [us]....The rain was too much....At 4 am last night our store house where goats and sheep stay, collapsed and killed 3 goats, one was about to deliver....We are worried about the [mud] house...since the main wall is cracked....The city council refused to allow us to [move] into our new house [under construction] without a latrine pit....We thank God that the main house did not collapse. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Yours in Christ,
Mama Josephine and family
KENYA. Letter from Pastor Walter.
Dear Mama and Prayer Partners,
We are grateful for the donation you sent....Sylvia, my wife...was hospitalized for 4 days...I took care of her....After she returned home she would not eat....We fasted and prayed for days; today she is healthy and strong....The devil’s plan to destroy...did not succeed.
Last year the Lord helped us plant maize [corn] and the harvest was plenty. Early this year we sold the maize....With help from my father, he [added] money which enabled us to buy a plot of land. We are preparing to build for my family. We started a ‘Brick-Making Project.’...I hired men to bake bricks....They have prepared 20,000. They’re waiting to be baked when we get firewood. I will use 8,000 bricks to build my house; the remaining 12,000 I’ll sell. This will give me money to buy cement, sand and concrete for the house’s foundation....
It cost 40,000 Ksh ($500) to make 20,000 bricks. I still owe 18,000 Ksh ($225) which...I will pay when I sell the 12,000 bricks....The challenge is...I [need] 15,600 Ksh ($195) for firewood....By Monday we shall begin...the baking process....Greetings from my family and my two orphans....Cindy was #1; Clinton was #1; and Victor was #8....We love you and always pray for you.
Your beloved son,
Pastor Walter
The story of Ilene.
“Recycled soda cans supporting a mission? IMPOSSIBLE!” you say. You didn’t know my friend Ilene. She even dragooned neighbors and family to collect them. Bush Telegraph was the proud recipient. She kept the money in a tin can. Periodically, I’d drop by and pick it up. Ilene also helped build Queen Esther Girls’ School in Padeng, South Sudan, the only girl’s school in Unity State.
Then last year, Ilene received devastating news of ovarian cancer, stage four. We watched helplessly as she began ‘chemo,’ praying for God’s best, as she fought for her life. On Mother’s Day, I stopped by to give her my rose from church.
I returned a few days later and found her in bed. “I’m on a liquid diet...can’t keep food down,” she explained. I pureed some wild rice chicken soup, which she sipped slowly. Then she announced, “I want to donate my personal effects and sewing supplies to Bush Telegraph for the next Container Project.”
Even in her weakness and pain, she directed the household activities: “This goes here...that goes there.” Her sister Carol and friend Diane from a quilting group followed orders, filling one large, black, plastic bag after another. Later, her husband Billy and I carried over a dozen to my van. Before I left, she handed me $30: “Here’s the money from recycled tin cans.”
Last week a still, small voice urged me, “Go to see Ilene.” Little did I know that it would be my last visit. Her sister Maria met me at the door. “Ilene took a turn in the night.” I asked permission to read to her from her own Bible. Maria sat next to me, while nurse Carol, her other sister, stood nearby. Billy Jr. lay on the bed with his mother. Ilene appeared to be sleeping, but her breathing had an eerie rattle. As I read Psalms 90 and 91, she breathed her last. It was a solemn moment. Her moving service was held at the National Memorial Cemetery. Please pray for her family. That would make her so happy, as she lived for them. “ it possible for one soda can to make a difference for Christ and the Persecuted Church?” Yes, thanks to Ilene, it is.
A long talk in Litchfield Park.
On the last Sunday in May I gave a mission presentation to a lovely church in Litchfield Park. When Pastor Nairn asked my time requirement, I proposed timidly, “An hour...if possible?” I expected to hear back, “Sorry...after we sing for an hour and cover announcements, you’ll have ten minutes.” Yet she said, “Take as much time as you need!” I relaxed, knowing that I needn’t rush. A certain imp later said all my presentation lacked was a rest break. These mission-minded folks impressed me. Mark, our webmaster, crossed the whole Phoenix valley to learn more of the mission work, after which he led us to a food stand with a secret menu, where we lingered late, talking of Africa.
Our oldest prayer partner, Marty (97), invited me to join her daughter, Karen (70), for a lovely fish dinner in her apartment. Yes, Marty cooked the whole meal! They preferred my photo albums, and we took our time. Let me tell you: Marty is as sharp as a tack. Nothing escaped her. Questions flew fast and furious! I hope that I passed her test.
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Carefree in AZ.
Now pass the scissors.
The Widows’ Group met at Charlene’s home for lunch and a video, Agenda, designed just for red-blooded American grannies! One of my flaws is inability to seek help. I had brought a beautiful new set of flannelgraph by Betty Lukens , a gift from a prayer partner. Earlier, I’d prayed, “ will I ever find time to cut out 600 pieces? It’s IMPOSSIBLE!” Now I set aside my pride and bravely asked for volunteers to help. In 5 minutes, all the sheets of flannel were taken.
Kinship Bible Study.
Jay and Bob of Sun City invited me over to present our mission work at their last group meeting before summer break. These folks pray non-stop for us. Calvary kindly loaned me a portable projector and I had a portable screen. The group presented a card signed by all and a generous donation!
I reported to the group where its mission dollars go. Pastor Haney of Desert Christian Fellowship honored us with a musical program. Afterwards, I heard comments like, “I’ll never complain again.” This attitude of gratitude made the visit worthwhile.
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Rachel Circle
The final chapel service.
Happy memories flooded back as I sat expectantly in the last chapel service of the school year at Arizona Christian University , my alma mater (formerly known as Southwestern College). Students gathered in small groups for the National Day of Prayer. Professor Tim hosted. He summoned students T.J. and Ann, bound for summer missions, and awarded them a grand prize: toy bows and arrows, a takeoff from the movie Hunger Games. How we laughed! Later, President Munsil challenged students to adopt a new vision to turn our culture into TRUTH.
After chapel, I joined teachers Hitson and Taylor in the remodeled cafeteria before a general campus tour. I couldn’t believe all the changes, especially the new baseball field.
That evening, I prayed, “ students know how good they have things compared to our Bible School in South Sudan? It has no campus, dining room, or sports field; no classrooms, auditorium, or dorm; just a bombed-out house, dark, dirty, broken, leaky, and riddled with bullet holes...
“And Lord, would American students attend a church whose pastor never studied in Bible School? Do they know that 62% of the world’s pastors have no such training, and will likely never get it, or that most have a 5th-grade education at best? If they did know, would they care?”
May brought many speaking dates and special events.
Dear Friends of the Persecuted Church,
Just the impossible! Had you told me that a Thanksgiving potluck would launch a first-class mission website, I’d have exclaimed, “IMPOSSIBLE!”
Yet exactly that happened one Sunday, far across town, at Living Water of the Valley’s eastern outreach . I sat at Mark’s table. When he learned of our need, he enlisted. From that day to this, Mark has kept his promise. Until he came, we had just a ‘domain name’ and ‘host’ thanks to Bonnie.
Mark serves Bush Telegraph as a free ministry to Africa and her church. He juggles computer languages which seem gibberish. Thanks to his patience and skill, I can pray wholeheartedly, “Lord...I thought it couldn’t be done...You CAN do the impossible...if we BELIEVE!” [Note from Mark: correspond any time. Charlotte is my new Mission Mom.]
We serve a God of justice, and when Christ returns, He will restore it forever, to Africa and the world. While we wait, we catch glimpses of it through your prayers, love, and support. Your gifts send healing and comfort; give courage and hope to the Persecuted Church. In the midst of injustice and suffering, you are her beacon of hope.
May 2012