Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
© 2013 All Rights Reserved
Extra prayer points! Thank you dear partners for upholding my pending overseas trip and family! Your prayers mean so very much.
Medical Update
Hooray! Mid-July will be my last appointment with ‘gastro’ man, Dr. Rodriguez-Luna. I’ll have an endoscopy and ‘just believe’ for official medical discharge! Thank you for praying! My illness prevented a USA summer team this year. God willing, we will send a team next summer.
Good news! An angel paid my airfare ticket! What sweet relief not to use the Visa card. Those monthly interest fees take forever to pay off!
I fly to Africa on July 23 and return in November before USA elections. My schedule is running far behind due to convalescence. Pray that I get all my ‘elephants’ – I mean, ‘ducks’ – in a row! Pray for God's wisdom as we plan programs in four countries, beginning with South Africa; and the 300 lessons to be prepared. May the trip be fruitful and its effect multiplied for the honor and glory of God.
Gettin’ in Shape!
I spend about an hour a day doing one of
1.swim aerobics with Anna;
2.regular aerobics with Rachel;
3.exercise on son Wayne’s plan; or
4.good old-fashioned walks in our trailer park.
Mission Communication
Watch for telegrams from Africa. Prayer Chairwoman Laura will forward these e-mails. Pray that her new, full-time job will lend more mission duty time.
We extend special thanks for donations: bags of sewing material from Rause; school supplies from Susan; Bible study books and dresses from Marcia, on behalf of mom Irene.
Granddaughter Katie
Katie graduated from 8th grade. This proud granny flew to San Diego to celebrate. My gift was a ‘jelly-roll’ quilt which I sewed in Piecekeepers Circle. She’s a straight-A student, too! Nate moved up to 7th grade. Where have the years gone?
We all had fun together. Delena juggles family, home school, military and wifely duties, church, and a steady stream of visitors. Daddy leads family devotions by reading through the Bible. Even doggies Jack and Molly enjoy the good book!
Daughter Michelle
Michelle recently switched jobs from teaching to Hyundai USA’s Customer Support Center! She’s thankful for full-time hours, better pay, and good health coverage. Her day starts very early. She bought an automatic coffee maker so fresh aroma will awaken her.
Ann, her close high school friend from Indiana, and mom Juliette, my friend in turn, recently visited. Reunions are such fun!
Son John
John’s sweet wife Lisa joined him in Guam for medical missions under Dept. of Defense sponsorship. The staff treated 7,000 patients in two days. John treated 100+ daily, working 12-hour shifts, some seeing minor medical procedures. He enjoys an ocean view from his home and often deep-sea dives or snorkels off the coast.
Son Michael
Michael continues working security detail at the California State Fair which is now running. He’s like a policeman in a small town. During this active season, he works double shifts and eats strange foods. Mike writes the report on any crime or injury. Talk to Mike if feeling down, he’ll cheer you up. He loves having brother Wayne and family nearby for guy stuff and family events.
Dear Lord...I am reminded daily of my own inability to accomplish Your work here on earth. And yet You show me, as You showed the Israelites in the wilderness, that Your work is not about my weakness and failure and lack of resources, but about Your sufficiency.
Thank you for the countless ways You demonstrate Your power and authority in our lives as we ‘just believe’ in You, especially in places where persecution reigns. May freedom reign again. Amen.
— adapted, Open Doors
Just believin’ in freedom,
Charlotte Sinclair Barkley
GOMA, CONGO. Pastor Delphin
Dear Mama Charlotte,
It is a great moment...these days after the harvest. We gleaned about 500 kilos (1,000 lb) of beans....We decided to sell them and make a fund for ‘At Risk Women’ (abused/raped/ widowed). The plan is to give them money so they can make a small business. They will report to the President of the group....We had $350 and divided it among 7 ladies: 1) Bira, an unmarried lady with 4 children, is selling maize (corn) flour; 2) Mama Rama is selling fish; 3) Antoinette is selling nuts; 4) Rhema is selling tomatoes; 5) Maombi is also selling tomatoes; 6) Neema is selling meat; and 7) Beatrice is selling salted fish....
Pastor Bonnet and I started visiting the soldiers in a refugee camp to evangelize; specially to comfort widows and orphans. There are about 9,000 orphans in the camp. Their fathers died in the wars.... Many are living on the street and in a few years they will become a danger to community.
We are making a plan to assist the orphans in this camp by teaching basics. Many don't know how to read and write. We already took in 153 orphans from the camp. We need your prayers and please, share this with our brothers and sisters ... so they can join us in prayer for the vulnerable people.
In Christian Love,
Pastor Delphin
PADENG, SOUTH SUDAN. John Kong, Program Coordinator
Dear Mama,
Greetings in the Name of Jesus...from Leer. Please find attached names for Queen Esther Girls’ Primary School in Pading. A fire broke out last April that burned 34 houses. The long pole in the office burned during a fire. The teachers are requesting the following materials: office pole, chairs, tables, text books and exercise books, red and blue pens, chalk and a blackboard. We are proud to say that Queen Esther is the only girl’s school in Unity State. Yesterday we started training on the sewing machines [brought in Bush Telegraph’s cargo container] with a number of students....Training is organized by UNIDO; the local church; and the Bible School.
SUDAN Martha, 36, treated at Mayendit Clinic - another life saved!
SUDAN Angaim Church Workshop Pastor Sunlight & other pastors
Indianapolis, USA. Shoes for Sudan
Shelley, the manager and young mom:
Dear Charlotte,
Praise the Lord for another $500...pray for Shoes for Sudan...look for us on Facebook!
All proceeds from Shoes for Sudan will fund the Bible School renovation in Leer this summer. We’re halfway to our funding goal!
TORIT, SOUTH SUDAN. Pastor Sunlight
Hi Mami & Bush Mission,
Greetings in the Name of Jesus....I picked up the [money] but I was away at a 4-day workshop in Angaim Village teaching Christians how to live the Christian life in a world of sinners....Speakers were: 1) Pastor Sunlight on “Evangelism” and “What to Do After Accepting Christ?”; 2) Pastor Basilio on, “Importance of Fellowship”; 3) Pastor Peter on, “Young people and Church Services”; 4) Pastor Victor on “Fear”; 5) Pastor Dominic on “Tithes and Giving”; and 6) Pastor Victor on “Sin.”
We will begin digging our new garden on Thursday. I bought beans, sugar and sodas for those who will help dig the garden. I go to Yei [a nearby town] for training...on opening new Churches. We used five boxes of food for the Workshop and five boxes of food to help the Orphans.
In Him,
Pastor Sunlight
Pastor Daniel, Vice Principal:
Dear Mum and Christian Brothers,
Warm Christian greetings [from]...Western Upper Nile Bible School....The students are doing very well. We now have two months to the end of this academic program. They are expectant of the promise you made concerning bicycles and solar lamps for reading. Thanks for your prayers and support....We continue to pray for your journey.
May the Lord bless Bush Telegraph, Pastor Daniel
Pastor John Rell, Principal:
Dear Mama and Bush Mission,
We’re very excited to hear that a church there through your help agreed to support our students with the bicycles. If supplies come by barge from Juba down the Nile River, the students are willing to meet the cost of road transport from Port Adok to Leer. Here are the names of the students:
Rev. John Dak
Mathew Bol
James Puok
Paul Gatduel
Daniel Gatphan
David Chany
William Jur
Peter Biel
James Gai
James Gatchany
John Bath
The students are now on recess until August 1st....I’m here until the end of this month. Otherwise we are fine and praying for Bush Telegraph Mission. Thank you...for...supporting these students....The bicycles will help in evangelizing the communities where they will be posted.
In Christ,
Pastor/Principal John Rell
Litchfield Park Church has graciously tackled the bicycle project! PTL!
We asked local Christians and students in Leer to join construction volunteers. Principal Rell replied that they would. “It is...the believers’ commitment to share in the work for God’s mission....”
Pray that we find the right indigenous contractor to pay to lead the team. Pray for wisdom in logistics regarding transport of matériel from Juba to Leer - by road or river, truck or barge?
Mama and the fourteen children moved into their new 4-room home this week! To date we have six sponsors for school fees but need eight more. Up until now, Bush Telegraph has paid all fees; however, all fourteen children are now in school; school fees are rising; and older kids are beginning college (i.e. trade school). We need your help! We thank Br. Francis of Angel Construction for building the house; Bishop Timothy of Kitale, where our team went last year, for building the latrine/bathhouse and finishing touches. Most of all, we praise God for providing US$7,000 in extra funds for this project.
BUSIA, UGANDA. Mama Josephine
I’m thankful for our new house. It looks wonderful. In two weeks we will move in....Thank you for working hard to finish our house. I thank God...that I will...sleep in a nice house....I never thought it was possible. This is a miracle. I thank God for Bishop Timothy from Kitale, Kenya, who is overseeing construction. He and his masons sleep at night over the border in Kenya. I take them lunch every day.
About the dead goats, we...sold them for 145,000 Ugandan shillings [US$60]. With that money we brought 15 kg [30 lb] of maize [corn] from the Karamojongs [a tribe].... The maize we used to buy food for the children. Pastor Henry ... gave us 1,200 Kenyan shillings [$14] and we added on to pay for Patrick whom they had sent back home for more school fees.
I am finding many young orphans and street children who are in very bad shape. People know I keep orphans and that I am a servant of God. They ask me for help. I pray to God to open a way that we may take in more orphans....The children are fine, but I have been sick with malaria and typhoid. Bishop Timothy gave me money for treatment and Pastor Henry prayed for me....I the hospital and am now home....I’m happy and blessed.
Yours in His love,
Mama Josephine and family
TORORO, UGANDA. Peace Church Preschool
Teacher Apopiah writes:
Dear Mama and Friends,
Our school children with good guardians are doing well in their learning as they come to school after they have eaten breakfast. They also bring lunch. They look healthy and strong. But those with poor guardians or living with grandparents do poorly at school as they look weak and are often absent and sickly. They need help but the school does not provide breakfast or lunch. Our 8 orphans at home are healthy and doing well in school. Pastor John, Lillian [caregiver] and I keep them well. The problem is the cost of food is times they go with one meal a day....
Thank you Mama,
We replied that now is the time for Peace Church to take responsibility and get involved in the preschool; for members to begin tithing to feed these children.
Dear Friends of the Persecuted Church,
JUST freedom! America’s birthday, July the 4th, reminds me of tuna sandwiches! I know, the thought is crazy. I’m supposed to recall watermelon and fireworks, right? You see, on patriotic holidays while growing up, my sis Pat and I walked the cemetery pondering tombstones with flags and eating tuna sandwiches. On July 4 we reflected on America’s history. How did small and undeveloped colonies defeat the world’s most powerful military forces of that day? Victory was a miracle!
America has seen many subsequent wars. We were founded on Christian principles by leaders who knew God must stay Number One in their nation. All the men from my family served their country, including three sons, and two still. I grew up hearing tales of Uncle John, my son John’s namesake, a family hero who gave his life to his country.
Freedom is not free, but the greatest gift of all! Those who died sacrificed their lives. Those who fought and survived also sacrificed, leaving home and family, lest enemies trample our freedoms. Our soldiers suffered physical and emotional trauma. Some never recovered. Wounds inflicted on the body, soul, and mind tell of sin's effect on mankind. Sin kills, robs, and destroys (John 10:10 ).
One day a man of valor stood for us all. Jesus went into battle and vanquished our greatest foe. Through His blood sacrifice, we have freedom from sin which no enemy can take.
Americans also enjoy political ‘freedom of religion’ as we call it, which the persecuted church does not. Thank you for reaching out to persecuted brethren fighting for freedom. May the Lord empower you with His resources, physical and spiritual, to bring honor and glory to His Name.
June 2012