Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
© 2013 All Rights Reserved
“Lord, we pray on behalf of the Persecuted Churches of Africa. May they serve You wherever they are and be bright lights in dark places. Sustain them and assure them that they are not alone – that we are praying for them and care deeply. May Your Word take root and grow in the days ahead. Work in unjust situations. For those who: lost loved ones, comfort them; lost homes, shelter them; hunger, feed them; and abandoned, provide a loving home.” Amen.
Until the Lost are Found,
Charlotte Sinclair Barkley
· You played a big part in our Christmas. Your precious cards and letters are taped up on the doors in the living room. We pray over each name and treasure every one!
· Good-bye Mr. Ed, a special Prayer Partner. His health began to fail early this year. Hazel, bless her soul, has been pretty much house-bound, caring for him. We have been friends forever and we both attend Rachel Circle. The service was at Chaparral Christian by Pastor Larry with good support from family and friends.
· December marked many wonderful holiday events. We enjoyed the special dinner at Living Water of the Valley with turkey and all the trimmings. Pastor Bob arranged for Golden Coral to provide the food so the ladies could stay out of the kitchen and enjoy the evening. Pastor organized an inspiring program and even served.
· The Old Gray Mare – that’s my ’94 Nissan Pathfinder – had a sad month. Thanks to our mechanics at Taylor’s Garage, repairs were made. I’m ‘back in the saddle’ … err … ah … hummmm … I mean ‘behind the wheel’ again.
· 2012 was a Fruitful Year in every way as we experienced God’s rich blessings and provision. Thank you again for being such amazing and faithful prayer partners. We are happy to pray for YOUR needs, too. We love you! May the Lord be with you in 2013.
Look what Santa brought Michelle!
· Michelle and mom spent a quiet Christmas together – oh! We can’t forget Laurel and Pebbles (the kitties), Schindler the bird and Honey the fish – plus a tasty ham dinner and real Christmas tree! Michelle decided we needed new decorations this year and so our tree got a ‘face lift’. She’s back to substitute teaching. While schools are on Christmas break is a good time to get caught up on projects like gardening. She loves to hike up the mountain and comes back invigorated. Who knows? Maybe next time it will be the Alps with Heidi?
GUAM. John, on bed, with ER nurses
Lisa (rt) treats mom-in-law to lunch
· Lisa, my sweet daughter-in-law, from Guam, came for a visit. That’s where John serves as an ICU/ER nurse practitioner at the Naval Hospital. Lisa’s family lives here in Phoenix. We visited Calvary and helped with Piecekeepers’ Christmas Boutique. We also enjoyed the movie Lincoln.
· Mike loves doing things with his favorite niece and nephew on his day off at Delmar State Fair where he serves as Security Officer. He is still a bachelor (which means he does his own laundry) and lives upstairs at Bruce and Doreen’s home, his 2nd family. New Year’s resolution? To jog more!
Mike in San Diego
· Delena juggles being a home-school mom; transporting kids; organizing/hosting Marine Corp events; and a steady stream of company. Sadly her only brother, Joe, lost the battle to cancer this year but she was able to be with him in Phoenix that final week. Her nursing skills come in handy often.
Delena & I, Seaport Village
Dad is much better. Back to driving again!
· Wayne continues to enjoy command of Headquarters and Service Battalion. Last September he fractured his pelvis and left femur at Camp Pendleton in a field training exercise. After two surgeries, three months of healing, dozens of sessions of physical therapy, he is on the road to recovery and back to work. It was an ordeal for the family; they saw God at work in amazing ways.
· Nate, a 7th grader, has passed up mom and sis in height. He loves math and baseball most of all but currently is playing basketball. He’s the quiet type and enjoys playing computer games and soft air gun with friends. His favorite game is chess - he even beat grandma!
Uncle Mike & Nate at USS Midway
Katie (lf) & Rene bake Christmas cookies
· Katie, now 14½ and a high school freshman, loves geography and German; plays basketball, volleyball and guitar. Her passion is theatre: this year she was in three plays. We baked Christmas cookies (a 100-year old recipe from my grandmother) with Rene, her best friend – in spite of a flour fight!
· In December I traveled to San Diego to visit family. Wayne lives at MCRD (Marine Corps Recruit Depot) which turns recruits into US Marines. Highlights were the Marine Corps band Christmas concert; the General’s Christmas party; visit to Seaport Village with Delena and the USS Midway with Mike and grandson Nate; visiting their church (and yummy potluck!) and seeing Christmas lights with Delena and Katie.
USA. PIECEKEEPER’S, our Prayer Partner
This letter comes from President Carol. We held a Christmas Boutique of homemade creations one Sunday.
Hi Gals!
“… This past weekend … we made $660 [for missions]! We’re doing it again at the other campus next weekend. Thanks to those of you who helped…. Big thanks to Joe & Carlotta who moved all the products to [church] and back again…. Biggest THANKS of all to our Lord Jesus…!”
Abiding in Him, Carol
(To think I called it ‘The Physical Cliff’ once!)
Dear Prayer Partner,
“By the time you receive this letter the vote will be in. Here’s the $64,000 question: What does this mean for mission organizations? If the economic crisis impacts giving - that would impact what we use for ministry outreach. Congress is even considering getting rid of tax write-offs for charitable donations! That would also affect us. What's the motivation for giving to a mission? No matter where you stand politically, we all need to pay attention to the economic condition of our nation. Meantime, pray that we have a godly perspective; one that trusts Him for everything we need.”
Serving Still, Bush Telegraph Staff
UGANDA. TORORO. Letter from Apophiah, teacher at Peace Preschool
She refers to Uganda President Museveni’s speech which we shared with you and our African pastors last month.
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“Thank you for the message [from President Museveni of Uganda] which I printed and gave to Pastor John. He read it to the church … and led the people to repentance on behalf of Tororo and Uganda … for sinful acts taking place in our city and nation. Pastor John thanks you for such words to the church to not just celebrate 25th December [when] the city and the nation is being eaten up by sinful acts.”
In Christ, Teacher Apophiah Nissii, Tororo Uganda
KENYA. KIMININI. We condensed a very long letter from Pastor Walter, a proud new papa!
Dear Mom & Bush Friends,
“It has been a long time since we were together in my house…. At … that time I was ill and [after] you left [I] worsened. For two months I was [sick]…. Sylvia, my wife, was pregnant and advised by the doctor to rest… [so] she could not sell clothes. I was also under medication and [advised] to rest…. The Holy Spirit reminded me to hold onto the Faith ... that … in the midst of … darkness there was … a new day…. The Lord healed me and … Sylvia ... delivered safely. We had a baby girl, Angela Angel…. During [our] … struggle, my father … [gave me medicine] and also gave food to my family….
“… Last week I harvested corn … and only got 13 bags. I sold 10 bags … leaving 3 bags for the family. I now have [a little money] … to begin constructing the house but not enough…. Since you helped us lease land and plant corn we [were] able to purchase our own land…. The bricks you saw are still here and we will use them … to complete the house. Right now we need sand … and cement…. The contractor is … waiting … to begin … in December…. … Thank you for the [money]. I was able to buy school shoes for Clinton, Victor, Metrine and David…. [Can] you help with … the house construction…? God bless you….”
Pastor Walter, Kiminini, Kenya
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“Thank you very much for money…. May God … do His work. Judy [wife] went home to attend the funeral of her grandfather…. The man who is riding my motorbike refused to pay me. Our elder told me to remove the bike from him. He [ruined] many parts. Next week I will find another [driver]…. Continue praying for us to get a plot [to build a church] and [musical] instruments.”
Blessings, Pastor Patrick
KENYA. KAKAMAGA. Letter from Pastor Bernard
who oversees 25 churches; and planted 5 more!
Dear Mama and Bush Mission,
“Greetings in the name of … Jesus Christ. We are fine here in Kakamaga and planning our Annual Conference …the end of December in our new sanctuary. The lord helped us build a new church … that seats over 500 people. We give God the glory…. We have also planted 5 new churches in the bush and more pastors are being trained. We miss your encouragement and humility…. I [ministered in] Tanzania and Uganda … I was excited to serve the Lord on foreign ground as you do.”
Pastor Bernard, Kakamaga
· Lake State. Cattle rustlers armed with AK-47 raided 60 heads of cattle
Unity State.
· A large group of Nuer tribesmen have been preparing for a cattle raid in
Warrap State. Our ministry overlaps these states mentioned so please
keep these items in prayer.
Wau town is experiencing violent armed protests and gunfire. Soldiers and police joined protesters to break into the police armory. The police station was set on fire. NGO agencies are on lockdown. So far the NGO compounds are safe but two UN vehicles were set on fire. Protests are due to the removal of the County Commissioner and appointment of a new one, as well as violent reaction of police/army against youth manning roadblocks. The joining of police/army means more weapons available to protesters, which will cause the fighting to escalate.
KENYA. News from Pastor Patrick of Busia
[Note: his ‘tent-making business’ is a second-hand motorbike he bought with YOUR help. Patrick hired a driver to use it for public transport; the proceeds were to be given to Pastor Patrick to help support the ministry. The driver stole them.]
SUDAN. Update from Pastor Sunlight, Angaim Village
(He calls me ‘Mami’ which makes me feel like Aunt Jamima pictured on the front of the pancake mix!)
Hi Mami & Bush Friends,
“… Hoping you (had a) Merry Christmas. Susan (my wife) delivered safely but she had complications…. Keep praying for [her] … as her child bearing is always a problem. The doctor gave me medicine … we hope for God’s final healing. I left her in the Health Center of Hillieu because Torit Hospital was too expensive…. I borrowed [money] … to buy Susan’s supplies…. The baby’s name is Peace Charlotte. She is doing well now….”
Regards, Pastor Sunlight
Dear Friends of the Persecuted Church,
Once upon a time, long long ago, my father ordered a giant roll of Christmas wrapping paper – the size of a Redwood tree. Every Christmas thereafter we hauled it down from the attic to dutifully wrap our presents. As the years passed my sis and I grew sick and tired of the same old print, thus we worked hard to use it up fast by double and triple wrapping. Yet the endless roll lived on and legend has it that it’s still in the attic to this day. It was just too MUCH.
Yes, December – and all that goes with it – is a month of MUCH. MUCH to do. MUCH to eat. MUCH (and many) to love. What a challenge for Christians lest in our MUCHNESS we forget the LITTLENESS of that humble stable where our Lord was born. Or the LITTLENESS of our suffering African brothers. They would welcome a giant roll of Christmas paper but, after all, they have no gifts to wrap let alone a tree to put them under.
James 5:16 reminds us, “The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish MUCHNESS.” (I confess I added ‘ness’ for emphasis). We serve a God of MUCHNESS who desires to fill our lives with His goodness and grace. James also mentions suffering, sickness and sin — unpopular topics this time of year – or any time for that matter.
Yet in spite of all our material possessions we are a needy bunch, struggling with LEANNESS or LITTLENESS of our souls. The answer? Prayer rooted in our LITTLENESS and need for God’s MUCHNESS. May God replace any LEANNESS in your life with His MUCHNESS in 2013. Thank you for your faithful prayers and offers of help with the Sudan Container Project to bless His children in Africa.
December 2012